Tuesday, August 14, 2012

HELLO BLOGGERS.. r u reading my blog??

I have got to get into this blogg thing.. so here it goes.. try #4 or 5 or 6... who is reading my blog???

who blogs anyway?? all I know are people who do facebook and txt.

ok lets try to make this a good blog for you to read...

Ok.. October 20,2012 is the Hachita, New Mexico Reunion.  It's held every other year.. It's a blast to go to..

The little community had to close it's school sometime in the mid or late 1960's (could get exact date.. but I'm busy blogging right now)  My brother Raymond Cobos was in the last graduating class which I'm sure was only a few students.. at one time we had only one teacher for the entire school.. from kindergarden to 12 grade.. her name was Mrs Hinke (might not have spelling right)  There were not enough students to and was more convenient to send kids on the bus to the next town.  Some like us, moved.

The reunion is held for not just those who went to school there, but for anyone who has ever lived there.. pretty cool huh??  I'll blog later after the reunion to let you know how it turned out.


Every two years, a special time nears,
An announcement arrives in the mail.
"A reunion is planned; it'll be really grand,
Make plans to attend without fail".

This reunion of townfolks,
school mates, and family
This is a special reunion
of the combination of all three

For those who have lived
in this New Mexico town of our heart
Or if you have ever gone to school here
You are invited to take part

Music and dancing
Laughing with friends and family
reminiscing and story telling
Hachita is where we will be!

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