Thursday, January 3, 2013


I AM YOURS: new song I wrote today... had a dream last night of a teen aged girl singing this under an anointing... her tears were falling.. (not exact words.. I can't remember the words.. but none the less... here is the song....

-by Mary Ann Cobos Boyd

I didn't think you could use me
just the way I am
I didn't think you would choose me
seeing who I am
But you saw in me, a possibility
You looked beyond what I could see
and now you've chosen me

I'm yours, Lord for what it's worth
You've held me from my birth
On eagles wings I'll soar ... and I'm yours
I am yours, you called me from the womb
Called me out of my own tomb
you're now what I'm living for.. I am yours

I never thought I was Worthy
but you chose this wounded lamb
Didn't think you would find me
in this far distant land
But you left the 99 searching just for me
You looked beyond my failings
and now you've chosen me


  1. :') Ohhhhhh tears of JOY are flowing!!! Beautiful song! Would love to hear the music to this! Will it be on your new CD?
    Praise Jesus! My Savior and Lord, my God for choosing lil insignificant me!! :D

  2. Ave, I had a dream.. I was at a youth service and the youth were not into the service.. talking, txting, getting up and down.. and a young girl about 16 got up and began to sing a song about how amazed she was that God would choose "insignifican" her, a young teen.. the anointing was on her and she was crying.. soon the youth began to fall at the altar.. I woke up and next day wrote this song
