Monday, December 31, 2012


ADVENTURES ON MY SCOOTER... went to DG, was going up & down the isles.. saw a gift bag, couldn't reach it... so I got OFF of my scooter (forgot to turn it off) my jacket got hung up on the reverse throttle, when I bent down to get the bag.. there was a sudden tug.. then a violent pull!!! I was then crushed between my scooter and the shelves.. too scared and shocked to cry out for help... scooter stopped, and crushing stopped... THANk U GOD!!
Think I now have a crack on my tail bone as the corner of the shelf hit me right there... little harder, little lower I may have ended up with a Dollar General Colanoscopy.. (no that's not misspelled.. it's generic for the real thing!


Removing The Door Frame
Adventures on my WHEELCHAIR.... (about 3 years ago)

I would try really hard not to hit the door fram in my kitchen with my electric wheel chair, but try as I may, the back wheels just kept getting hung up and I kept breaking little pieces of the frame..

One day I went through from the wash room into the kitchen.. and there was a loud crack.. I saw something fly past me, landing on the floor by the kitchen table..
I have a metal rod (herrington rod) fused onto my spine from the base of my neck to my tail bone.. it makes it hard for me to look down and even harder to turn my head to look behind me... so I had to spin my chair around to see what had happened..
Low and behold.. I had yanked the door frame completly off.. it lay on the floor like it was bowing to the master... it had given up the fight with my scooter and just layed there on the floor like it had given up the ghost... a chunk of it had broken off and as it did.. it flew past me and that was what I had seen fly over my head and land on the floor by the kitchen table...

I quietly, and cautiously drove myself to the bedroom door, and said.. "Babe, you are gonna be soooo mad!" Jim takes a deep breath and says.. "What did you do?"... Jim fixed it.. and fixed it good.. instead of nails he used screws on the door frame... I have since bumped into that door frame more times than I'd like to admit.. and it is still in tact...


Scooter Insurance
some years back I was crossing a very busy street.. I made it accross with no problems.. As I crossed a man and his wife smiled and waved at me... then they drove around the corner and came back to where I was.. as I was going down the street they stop... and he reaches out the window of his vehicle to hand me something.... could it be MONEY???? No.. it was his business card.. he was an insurance salesman... ha ha


Aaralyn & my chair
October 2012

Adventures with my WHEELCHAIR

Aaralyn (my grandaughter) likes to sit in my wheelchair when I'm not in it.. I had gotten off of it and was sitting on the couch.. when she got up in it.. I always tell her no and make her get down.. because she knows how to turn it on..
I told her to get down.. which she did, but she accidently moved the switch to "on" and was holding the joy stick... next thing I knew she was coming right at me.. and trying to get off at the same time...
I was so scared she would run over herself.. I tried to stand up, but she came at me too fast and the foot plate of the wheel chair hit me on the chin of my left leg.... I was able to reach up and take her hand off of the throttle...
The look in her eyes was terror.... she was so scared... and she began to really cry.. I was examining her to make sure she didn't her herself.. (she was fine) her mamma came out and got her..
I got back in my chair and went to check on her... she ran to me and climbed up in the chair and I held her telling her all was fine.. I was fine...
Then I hear her giggling... I look down at her and she looks up and with a giggle in her voice.. in her still baby talk.. she simply says "funny"
she definatley has the "Cobos" sense of humor!


Blow Out
(about a year ago)
ADVENTURES ON MY SCOOTER: Yesterday I went to the store in my scooter. I had already hit the Dollar General.. went and paid a bill and had just entered the HEB parking lot.. was almost at the door when I hear a loud POP!.. thought I had run over something.. it was a BLOW OUT!!! I never had a blowout on my scooter!!! so I drove my limping scooter on in and called several people.. I could not get a hold of NO ONE!! Finally a neighbor came to my rescue..Sue also called but they were already on the way to get me... left the wounded scooter at the store til Jim got home.. manager was so nice.... Thank you Lord that it happened at the store and not on the street in the hot hot sun where i would have to sit til someone came.... my new scooter is almost here!!!


ADVENTURES ON MY SCOOTER.... (about 5 years ago)


I went to the grocery store and decided to look at birhtday cards.. I saw one way up high, no one was around to help me so I stood up while still on my scooter (which by the way I have a habit of keeping on high speed) I was able to get the card I wanted, but when I tried to sit back down.. my scooter started scooting back real slow.. every time I tried to sit, it would move back a little faster. As it turned out, my jacket had gotten hung up on the throttle... finally I figured no matter what I have to sit down.. so I sat down.. which caused the throttle to be pulled all the way back on reverse.... I went spinning out of control at high speed I made a complete doughnut in the middle of the isle then crashed backwards into the make up display.. with a huge loud bang!!!! I sat there a few moments to make sure I was still breathing and my newly operated hip was still in place.. One little old lady backed up with her cart and took a peek down my isle.. but all she saw was me quietly sitting with the birthday card in hand.... funny thing is.. thats the only isle that there is a camera on... maybe I should ask a manager for a copy for america's most funniest videos.. ha ha ha... by the way... I'm fine!



Bug Attack!
Adventures on my Scooter attack of the bugs (about 7 years ago)

In the Summer time I discovered I had a mulberry tree in my yard, way up against our fence. I LOVE mulberries... and was so excited about it. My husband "bless his little ol heart" mowed the lawn all the way around the mulberry bush so that I could get close to the tree in my scooter.

One night around 10:00 pm I got a big craving for mulberries, so I said.. "I'm gonna go pick me some." My husband told me it was way too late.. but I assured him I'd be ok.. it's in our own yard and I have a flashlight and I'd carry my cell phone with me.

Well as I was going along I decided to shine the light more on the ground in case I ran into a rattle snake, which we have encountered from time to time. When I got close to the tree... I saw a low hanging branch that I knew had alot of berries on it.. It had rained during the day so all the berries were nice and washed... anyway. I reached up and grabed the branch and pulled it down towards me.... next thing I knew, a gallon of rain water poured all over my head and face... the leaves were all like little bowls of rain water. I let that branch go, got my flash light and aimed it at the tree so I could see how much more water the branch had... welllllll next thing I knew a cloud of bugs.. all kinds all colors, all sized flew right at me... I put the peddal to the metal and turned my scooter as fast as I could so I could get away from the swarm of bugs that were so excited to see a light in the middle of their darkness.... I forgot that a goafer or something had dug two huge holes in our lawn... as I whizzed around and tried to speed out of there back to the front yard.. my front end of my scooter went into one of the holes.. and nearly caused me to fly over my handle bars. I turned off the flash lights and called Jim on the cell phone... bless his little ol heart!!!! he was relaxing getting ready to drift off to sleep... franticly I said.. babe, my scooter fell into one of the holes... He took a deep disgusted breath... and in a calm voice said. ok I'll be right out there, hopefully your not in the hole that has a big ant pile..... WHAT?!!! I'm only worried about snakes.. but I have a HUGE fear of ants...... most of you know I can only walk a few steps at a time.. but when I heard there may be ants.. I jumped off the lopsided scooter.. and hobbled my way across the lawn.. a few more feet I would have made it into the house!!!!! I almost shouted.. "I"M HEALED!" I can walk.... but I wasn't healed, I was only scared.. It's amazing what you can do when your scared...

I thought I couldn't walk.... fear showed me I could.... is there something you think you can't do????? let me scare the...dickens out of you and you will see how you can do what you thought you couldn't


I have no idea what I'm doing here.. I posted another blog with adventures on my scooter but it's not showing up here.. so... I'll post it again here...  one story.... to start off with

The Funeral
Adventures on my Scooter the funeral (about 3 years ago)

recently I attended a funeral. The funeral home is only a few blocks from my house, so instead of having someone take me there I drove myself in my scooter.

I have a new scooter. It's big and it's fancy, with turn signals, headlight, tail lights, caution l ights, rear view mirror... it's huge.. My only problem with it is that sometimes there is no room for me to move around places. This is how it was at the funeral home. I had to sit in the very back so I wouldn't block the isles... I couldn't go up to the family to say a word of comfort... I had to just park it behind the last pew and sit there till the service was over.

I'm not catholic, and the funeral was a "rosary" prayer. The little old priest began the praying of the rosary.. and I sat and listened quietly as the people joined in. I sat looking at the casket ... I looked at the flowers draped over, the flowers on the side... and the flowers up on the wall above the casket.. I decided I'd sit there and pray for the family.. so I began to pray for comfort and strength..... I'm not sure how long I was praying when I suddenly realize that I have flowers in my hand and so I decide to plant them in front of my house.... (I had fallen asleep and was dreaming that I was planting flowers) Someone passed by my scooter and I woke up... My head was leaning waaaaay back and I was staring right up at the cealing......

I have the habit of keeping my scooter on, and set it on high... it would have been horrible if I had fallen asleep leaning foward, I could have either accidently honked my little scooter horn there as people were praying the rosary, or worse I could have started going foward, maybe even all the way to the front and ended up knocking over the casket......

I now try to turn my scooter off if I'm gonna be somewhere for awhile, and I try to stay awake!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2012


Had our early Christmas gift exchange with Michael, Cri-Cri, Jr, Monica, Justin, Collin, Alliyah, Shayne, Twitch and Hector, Aaralyn, Jim and I yesterday.  It was wonderful!   We had ham, mixed vegies, pork-n-beans, salad and rolls...YUM!   Monica also had Shayne's birthday party at the park, so kids went there to eat hot dogs.   

After everyone left I was hurting quite a bit from my tail bone (break) so I put in my "Touched By An Angel" DVD set that Negrete's gave me.. ate a popcorn ball (that I'm not supposed to have) fallowed by a most delisious apple from our gift tray that Monica Twitch n family gave us... hated to open it they had it so pretty looking.  :)   I fell asleep during the third part of the 1st video...  

Woke up when Jessica, Jojohn arrived... they took Carolina's gifts for me and brought me 
ours from her & Shawn.  
NO ONE HAS FOUND OR FALLOWED MY BLOG!   I don't know how to get this going.. but I will learn... in t he mean time so many are missing out... awwww

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Well I tried to announce my blog on Twitter.. turns out I only announced "blogspot"  but no my blog specificly.. try try again right.  I posted it again. 

I am still learning the ropes folks.  Both how to twitter and how to blog.  Once I get it.. watchout.. or like George Lopez says.. WACHA

Monday, December 17, 2012

I Can Do All Things... even BLOG

I am just now learning that there is so much more to blogging than just writing a post.   I know I will eventually get the hang of this.

Until then my blogs may not reach very many people or catch the attention of those who like to read blogs.  Twitter is another thing I am finally figuring out and now I went from 20 followers to almost 800!

I've got to make a plan and I know that for awhile the internet for me will be more work than play.  I need to know all this so that I can promote my book and my CD

He strengthens me in my body to git-r-done
He strengthens me in my mind to know how to git-r-done
He strengthens me in my heart to push forward and git-r-done
He strengthens me in my resources to git-r-done
He strengthens me in having time to git-r-done

Thursday, December 6, 2012

MY BOOK IS NOW IN PRODUCTION!!!   Is that cool or what?   God has been so good and has walked me through step by step.  He has met me at every corner, guided me with his wisdom when I had no idea what to do.

I thank Him for the idea for the 100 SPONSOR/INVESTOR BLITZ.. (I think I keep changing the name everytime I mention it)  It has been a success, and oh how I thank those who have been putting up the money for this what a blessing you have been to me in this, it has encouraged me so much.

I got back on Twitter.  I hadn't been on there in ages. Mostly cause I didnt understand it, but now I am getting the hang of it and got so many more fallowers in just a few days now that Jessica has shown me what to do and how to hook up with people and groups that will help my  book.

My time on the computer now is usually work work work.  before the final submission to the editing department at Tate Publisher's I have to take one last look at my manuscript to make sure there's not anything else I want to add or take away before they start their work on it....  ohhh this is truly exciting :D