Thursday, December 6, 2012

MY BOOK IS NOW IN PRODUCTION!!!   Is that cool or what?   God has been so good and has walked me through step by step.  He has met me at every corner, guided me with his wisdom when I had no idea what to do.

I thank Him for the idea for the 100 SPONSOR/INVESTOR BLITZ.. (I think I keep changing the name everytime I mention it)  It has been a success, and oh how I thank those who have been putting up the money for this what a blessing you have been to me in this, it has encouraged me so much.

I got back on Twitter.  I hadn't been on there in ages. Mostly cause I didnt understand it, but now I am getting the hang of it and got so many more fallowers in just a few days now that Jessica has shown me what to do and how to hook up with people and groups that will help my  book.

My time on the computer now is usually work work work.  before the final submission to the editing department at Tate Publisher's I have to take one last look at my manuscript to make sure there's not anything else I want to add or take away before they start their work on it....  ohhh this is truly exciting :D

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