Monday, December 31, 2012


Bug Attack!
Adventures on my Scooter attack of the bugs (about 7 years ago)

In the Summer time I discovered I had a mulberry tree in my yard, way up against our fence. I LOVE mulberries... and was so excited about it. My husband "bless his little ol heart" mowed the lawn all the way around the mulberry bush so that I could get close to the tree in my scooter.

One night around 10:00 pm I got a big craving for mulberries, so I said.. "I'm gonna go pick me some." My husband told me it was way too late.. but I assured him I'd be ok.. it's in our own yard and I have a flashlight and I'd carry my cell phone with me.

Well as I was going along I decided to shine the light more on the ground in case I ran into a rattle snake, which we have encountered from time to time. When I got close to the tree... I saw a low hanging branch that I knew had alot of berries on it.. It had rained during the day so all the berries were nice and washed... anyway. I reached up and grabed the branch and pulled it down towards me.... next thing I knew, a gallon of rain water poured all over my head and face... the leaves were all like little bowls of rain water. I let that branch go, got my flash light and aimed it at the tree so I could see how much more water the branch had... welllllll next thing I knew a cloud of bugs.. all kinds all colors, all sized flew right at me... I put the peddal to the metal and turned my scooter as fast as I could so I could get away from the swarm of bugs that were so excited to see a light in the middle of their darkness.... I forgot that a goafer or something had dug two huge holes in our lawn... as I whizzed around and tried to speed out of there back to the front yard.. my front end of my scooter went into one of the holes.. and nearly caused me to fly over my handle bars. I turned off the flash lights and called Jim on the cell phone... bless his little ol heart!!!! he was relaxing getting ready to drift off to sleep... franticly I said.. babe, my scooter fell into one of the holes... He took a deep disgusted breath... and in a calm voice said. ok I'll be right out there, hopefully your not in the hole that has a big ant pile..... WHAT?!!! I'm only worried about snakes.. but I have a HUGE fear of ants...... most of you know I can only walk a few steps at a time.. but when I heard there may be ants.. I jumped off the lopsided scooter.. and hobbled my way across the lawn.. a few more feet I would have made it into the house!!!!! I almost shouted.. "I"M HEALED!" I can walk.... but I wasn't healed, I was only scared.. It's amazing what you can do when your scared...

I thought I couldn't walk.... fear showed me I could.... is there something you think you can't do????? let me scare the...dickens out of you and you will see how you can do what you thought you couldn't

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